What Causes Dogs and Cats to Mark Their Territory?

What Causes Dogs and Cats to Mark Their Territory?

February 7, 2022 Off By timetobuybc

Is there a strange odor in the house? Your male cat or dog (typically a male) may have unleashed a spray that stains walls, doors, or furniture and stays. When an unneutered male marks a vertical area with urine, he is not defying training; instead, it is hormone-fueled territorial behavior. 

He’s claiming ownership of a space or object. A pet who acts in this manner feels an instinctual desire to demonstrate his dominance, deter unwelcome individuals from loitering, and alleviate his fear.

Why does your pet spray?

Urine marking here can indicate to another animal how long the sprayed animal has been in the area. It can also convey that he is looking for a spouse by publicizing his reproductive availability.

Other factors may induce cats to urinate outside of a litter box or dogs to urinate in the house soil. Spraying might be caused by an underlying medical problem, a change in one’s regular routine, or a stressful scenario.

How do you avoid your pet from spraying?

Because the desire to spray is strong in intact pets, the simplest remedy is to have your pets neutered as soon as your animal hospital Benicia recommends. In this manner, the problem is less likely to occur in the first place. The longer you wait for your pet to be neutered, your pet will likely repeat this behavior.

The removal of the testicles reduces an animal’s sex hormones, which is why neutering works. As a result, it’s unlikely that a neutered pet will feel the need to find a partner.

What do you do when your pet continues to spray?

Some pets, including females, will continue to display this undesirable behavior after being neutered. This makes it worthwhile to look into the cause. A spraying binge can be prompted by stressful conditions such as introducing a new pet into the home, a fight amongst existing pets, someone moving in or out, house construction, or the arrival of a baby. 

Unfathomable animal reasoning, such as someone wearing a new coat, bringing in a large box, or using a cane, can also contribute to the behavior. The more pets there are in a home, the more likely it is that one of them will spray. A dog or cat may be standing outside, peering through a window, bothering them. Check out AnimalClinicOfBenicia.com for more information on pet care.

A possible medical explanation is an underlying illness such as a bladder infection or blockage, which is dangerous and requires rapid treatment. So, see your veterinarian to rule out any physical or medicinal issues. Anti-anxiety medicine, as well as sessions with an animal behaviorist, may help address a pet’s anxiety-related marking.

To End

If you return home to find your pet has marked “his” territory, scrub the area clean as quickly as possible and deodorize it with an enzymatic agent. Stay away from punishment. Don’t yell or touch its nose near the liquid; this will raise its tension, it won’t understand why you’re unhappy, and it may spray more out of fear and confusion.

Try converting his spraying area into a play area after thoroughly cleaning it. Hold and pet him there, and serve his supper there. He might never want to mark that spot again.