What are the Common Dog Health Issues that can be Prevented

What are the Common Dog Health Issues that can be Prevented

April 10, 2022 Off By Jona

The majority of canines may be saved if they get preventive therapy. Cases are referred to general, specialist, and emergency veterinary clinics when they may have been handled sooner. Preventive medication is preferable to curative treatment for your dog’s health. It saves you money in the long run by avoiding the need for emergency or specialist therapy to repair any complications that may have been avoided if the medicine had been given sooner.

What dog health issues may be avoided?

A broad range of circumstances may be categorized as preventable. The following are some of the most frequently reported issues.

Gingivitis and dental disease

Plaque and tartar buildup create bad breath, but they may also lead to tooth decay and loss. In addition, bacteria from diseased teeth may spread through the bloodstream, causing damage to organs like the heart and kidneys, especially in older dogs. 


All sorts of dental sickness may be prevented if a dog’s teeth are properly cared for regularly. From basic dental checkups, tooth cleanings, and polishing to dental x-rays and surgeries, Johns Creek Veterinary Clinic offers full dental treatment for your pet.


There are various reasons for this, the most common of which being poor nutrition and lack of activity. Low-value dog food provides a high-carbohydrate, high-grain diet, which aids in weight gain. It doesn’t have a chance with the table scraps and extra treats. 


As our own lives have grown more sedentary, our dogs’ lives have become more sedentary. Dogs need frequent exercise to keep their weight in check and keep their overall health in check. A lack of activity is directly connected to many of the canine behavioral issues brought in for training. Diabetes, joint stiffness and stress on the heart and other organs may all be prevented if your dog is fed high-quality food and walks and exercises frequently.


Obstructions are a common reason animals attend emergency clinics. Obstructions occur when a dog consumes materials that are difficult to digest or pass, such as socks, cardboard, towels, clothing, or toy stuffing. These things get stuck in the dog’s intestines, causing an emergency that necessitates surgery. 


The foreign item will be too large for a dog to pass on his own. It’s completely preventable! Make sure to train your dog correctly, exercise him, never leave anything on the floor, supply him with suitable chew toys, and keep an eye on him.


Dogs should begin receiving vaccines at eight weeks and continue until they are twenty-five weeks old. This initial injectable regimen protects against a variety of potentially lethal illnesses, including Parvo. Booster vaccines should be administered once a year, or as prescribed by your veterinarian. Never allow your dog to leave the house without pet vaccinations


As a consequence, he has a far higher probability of developing a deadly condition. Diseases such as Parvo are very contagious, and an unvaccinated dog will get ill quickly if exposed. It is very difficult to treat and be both pricey and useless. Vaccines keep your pet healthy by preventing diseases from spreading.


It’s distressing for a veterinarian to have a dog with advanced heartworm as a patient since heartworm prevention is so straightforward. Mosquitos spread heartworms. If a dog is infected with heartworms and does not get treatment, the worms will multiply and enter the dog’s heart.


They will rise and spread, clogging the heart, disrupting blood flow, and destroying organs. Treatment is expensive and hazardous, significantly if the sickness has progressed to the point where some dogs have died.

Tick-borne Infections

Tick-borne illnesses may manifest themselves in various ways. All of them are caused by a tick sticking to a dog and conveying disease via saliva. As the diseases continue, they may result in lameness, lethargy, illness and neurological difficulties, renal disease, and blood abnormalities. 

These infections may be avoided by using a monthly flea and tick medication and checking your dog for ticks regularly. Regular vet exams allow your veterinarian to detect early indications of illness and initiate treatment before the problem worsens.