Step-by-Step Guide to Making Your Home Safe for Pets

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Your Home Safe for Pets

July 19, 2022 Off By Jona

Even if you don’t have children, it’s essential to look over every area your dog has access to and eliminate any potential hazards. One dog may be harmed by a specific object, whereas another may be unaffected. A dog that loves chewing on domestic goods, such as electrical wires, may be damaged, but a dog that does not enjoy munching on household items may not be in danger. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to identify additional threats.

How to Pet-Proof Your Home

Pet-proofing your home is vital if you have an indoor dog. This is a list of many methods that you may use to safeguard your house against unwanted pets.

1. Pay attention to small items.

In the same way, newborns do, dogs prefer to put objects in their mouths. They eat the object of their desire, and it may cause injury if it becomes lodged inside their digestive tract. Surgical removal of a nuisance may be necessary for some instances. You can prevent this by putting small objects out of reach. Toy eyes, rubber bands, coins, staples, and nails are examples of little things that might be dangerous to a dog.


Does your pet need hospitalized care? Click here.

2. Do not give chocolates

Theobromine, a component of chocolate, is poisonous to dogs when consumed in significant concentrations. Because theobromine concentrations vary depending on the chocolate, it’s difficult to estimate exactly how much is needed to kill a dog with it. Baker’s chocolate has a higher theobromine content than milk chocolate. 


It’s stressful to know that your pet requires dental surgery. The Cat and Cow Vet Clinic wants you and your pet to have a pleasant experience. More details on their website.

3. Keep an eye on the tags

If your dog’s identification tag becomes stuck anywhere, it might choke him. Use a Pet Pocket to keep your dog’s collar tags from getting caught in the heating grate as he sleeps on the floor. The pet pocket is attached to the collar and does not dangle from it, but instead sits flat.


It is possible that they have suffered oral and throat injuries, or that other objects have entered the digestive system. They may need veterinary surgery if the problem is serious.

4.  Hide electrical cables

To keep your dog from eating electrical wires, they must be hidden somehow. With a plastic shower curtain rod cover, insert the cables. Customized plastic rod coverings are also an option. Concealing strips are an additional option for hiding wires and connections. These strips may be used to cover cables that run across the floor, over baseboards, and up the walls. These concealing strips may be found at hardware and office supply shops. It is possible to customize the color and size to meet your specific requirements. 


Dogs may now be protected from wires thanks to a new device. Insulation may be damaged by canine teeth, penetrating and eroding it. “Power strips with brains” are meant to recognize these problems. An automatic shut-off prevents your dog from being shocked if it attempts to chew on this kind of cable. This item may also be found in a local hardware shop.

5. Use blue water with caution

If you want to use an automated toilet bowl cleanser or “toilet tablets,” make sure the toilet seat is down. The blue water may be poisonous to your dog. If you forget to lower the toilet lid, use a large pom-pom on the seat cover to keep it from remaining up.

6. Keep cleaning supplies out of the reach

Maintain the safety of cleaning goods by keeping them out of the hands of children and pets. Do not let your dog gain access to any cleaning chemicals. Instead of chemical cleansers, try vinegar and water combinations of baking soda.