Pet Conditions That Can Potentially Cause Bad Breath

Pet Conditions That Can Potentially Cause Bad Breath

April 19, 2023 Off By Jona

The problem of bad breath in dogs is pervasive. It could make morning licks less fun if your dog has terrible breath. It’s not a good idea not to pay attention to the smell coming from your dog’s mouth. In many instances, the unpleasant breath of your pet might indicate that your dog may be suffering from other health issues.

Take a moment to delve further to discover the root of the smell of bad breath in your dog. Also, consider the best way to stop it and treat it before the time you offer your dog a treat for their teeth. This will give you an overall picture of the health of your dog.

What does the smell of your pet’s breath indicate health?

Many dog owners consider their pet’s bad breath as usual due to how frequently it occurs. Dogs’ lousy breath could result from dental issues to excessive gut bacteria. Because bad breath is often the first sign of a health issue, we’ll look into the possible reasons behind pet foul breath.

1. Periodontal Disease

Dental issues are the most frequent reason why dogs suffer from bad breath. In animals, like humans, the buildup of plaque and tartar could cause gingivitis caused by bacteria that can manifest as bad breath.

Periodontal disease might develop by failing to follow good dental hygiene practices over time. The accumulation of plaque and tartar could cause gum recession, which creates an ideal setting for bacteria to multiply in size and cause dental infections. For veterinary dental appointments, you can type in “professional veterinary dentist in Clearlake” on your search bar for best results.

2. Diabetes

A sugary odor on your pet’s breath could indicate diabetes, a condition characterized by high blood sugar levels. Too much sugar in the blood can make the breath of a dog smell sweet, while an excessive amount of bacteria can make it smell bitter or musty.

Diabetes is a condition that frequently has a myriad of symptoms, including excessive drinking, blurry eyes, as well as urinary tract infection. Plan a visit to a board certified internal medicine veterinarian if any of these signs are present. Similar to humans, the dog’s diabetes can be managed with medication.

3. Tumor

Oral tumors could further explain why your pet’s breath has gone wrong. These tumors are caused by the rapid proliferation and growth of cells within your pet’s mouth.

Sometimes, the rate of tissue growth is higher than the rate at which the body can allow adequate blood flow to the area. When these tumors aren’t getting enough circulation, they start to die; when they do, your dog’s terrible breath will smell like something that’s been killed. For more information on the types of conditions of your older pets, you can search online about it.

4. Liver Disease

Toxins can persist in the bloodstream if the liver isn’t functioning correctly. This is also the case for the lungs. The lungs can be filled with a solid foul smell when exhaling. But, other signs, such as jaundice (yellowing of the eyes and mouth) or weakness, decrease in stability, and, in rare cases, seizures, may be seen in cases of liver disease.

Liver disease can develop naturally with age, or it could be acquired. However, the oxidative stress factor plays a crucial role in developing liver problems. Common causes of oxidative stress include being obese, eating a lot of processed foods, and living near radiation or in a polluted area.

5. Kidney Disease

Urea is a metabolite that is created by the body from the degrading of proteins. The kidneys are accountable for removing urea from the bloodstream. However, if they’re not operating at their total capacity, the amount of urea in blood levels rises.

Halitosis can develop when an abnormally high amount of urea is in the bloodstream. The smell has been described as being like that of ammonia.