Ocular Discussion: Common Eye Problems of In-Home Pets

Ocular Discussion: Common Eye Problems of In-Home Pets

April 6, 2022 Off By Jona

Identical to humankind, a wide range of microorganisms can similarly invade and infect the oculars of animals, impairing their capability to catch sight of their surroundings. In fact, nearly all human eye conditions can also develop in these species. These complications can advance into a more extreme case when repeatedly ignored. Prevent this from happening by gaining the specifics concerning the different optical diseases your in-home pet can possibly acquire.

Prevalent Ocular Conditions Among Pets

Anterior Uveitis

The name of this difficulty advocates itself. It pertains to the inflammation inside the eye, contaminating the encompassing structures of the oculars. It mainly affects the anterior uvea, where the iris and ciliary body are situated.

This disorder can trigger cloudiness, redness, and squinting, consequently diminishing the eyesight of pets. When left untreated, this can advance into a disease termed glaucoma. It is a condition asking for the expertise of a qualified veterinary ophthalmologist.

Basement Membrane Disease

Previously acknowledged as the Boxer Eye, this condition is common amongst middle-aged and senior pets. When a companion animal has unexpectedly demonstrated manifestations of persistent pain and discomfort around the eye, this is the best time to schedule them for a visual examination through official veterinary websites like animergevets.com.

The medical practitioner can create an accurate prognosis with a comprehensive ophthalmic evaluation using a specialized veterinary device. Suppose the procedure wraps up, disclosing that the cornea’s epithelium is not correctly attached and corneal ulcers are formed. In this case, it is verification that your pet secured basement membrane disease.


Comparable to humans, the animal eye is naturally designed with a white sclera acting as the base of the cornea and iris that varies among species. Presume the sclerotic layer suddenly overlaps the colored portion, making the ocular surface translucent. In this scenario, your pet might possibly be diagnosed with cataracts.

When this comes about, there will be escalated degrees of cloudiness due to opacities around the lens. Consequently, this can block the light perception of pets, slowly minimizing their visual functionalities, wherein dog and cat surgery is the only solution to address this condition. Unfortunately, this can progress rapidly, leading to complete blindness when left untreated.

Ectopic Cilia

Ectopic refers to any form of growth that materializes in an abnormal position. Meanwhile, cilium is the Latin idiom for hair. So, when these words are combined, clinically speaking, the eyelashes spread out in an atypical direction. The cilia usually emerge from the underside of the upper or lower eyelid, directly pointing toward the eye.

It would be hard for infected animals to blink as the stiffened hairs can rub against the oculars. This can cause intense discomfort, gradually triggering corneal ulcers. The moment you notice your pet is relentlessly rubbing their eyes accompanied by consistent tearing, immediately bring them to the closest veterinarian for an in-depth examination.


Glaucoma is regarded as one of the most threatening eye conditions amongst pets. In fact, it is recognized by the veterinary field as an ophthalmic emergency situation. This complication is significant for its potential to increase the pressure within the oculars, causing irreversible impairment around the optic nerve.

When the fluid located inside the posterior chamber of the eye raises yet cannot be adequately emptied out, pressure builds up around it. In turn, causing escalated pain and discomfort coexisting with a throbbing headache. If your pet abruptly presents these manifestations, immediately head to a veterinarian to learn more and gain an accurate comprehension of their actual condition.